The Hallmark Heritage Society holds a number of events throughout the year and informs its members of many others, held by many organizations, all of a historical interest
The Hallmark Heritage Society publishes a quarterly newsletter for its members and delivers this electronically.
Annually, the Hallmark Heritage Society presents awards to buildings, publications, and people who, in the past year, have contributed to heritage preservation in Victoria
Victoria’s heritage properties tell the stories of who we are and where we came from. Buildings define and give character to spaces both urban and rural, and play a role in defining and accenting the cultural landscapes in which we live. Re-using old buildings contributes to sustainable development and their conservation and rehabilitation creates economic, environmental and cultural benefits. Heritage buildings connect us to our past and their preservation ensures that our children and grandchildren will understand “where they came from.”
The Hallmark Heritage Society is the oldest heritage preservation society in the Capital Regional District – Victoria, British Columbia, Canada.
It was established on April 18, 1973, in response to the wholesale demolition of heritage buildings. The Society advocates the preservation, conservation, and restoration of heritage assets and works towards a greater public awareness and understanding of heritage. As a registered non-profit society, we are financed principally by membership dues and members’ contributions and are affiliated with regional, provincial, national and international heritage preservation organizations.
The Executive and volunteers carry out the work of the Society:
Annual awards program
Quarterly newsletter
Extensive online collection of data and photographs
Office with archival material and a lending library
Sponsor of the South Vancouver Island Regional Heritage Fair for students
Participation in conferences related to heritage issues
Partnerships and cooperation with other local heritage groups
Networking with heritage organizations from all over the world
Provision of information on heritage magazines and heritage-related sites
Meetings are held on a regular basis with the Annual General Meeting in the autumn.
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