Budget 2022-2023

Hallmark Heritage Society – 2022 – 2023 Budget

Donations $         3,000
Rental $         2,400
Memberships $         2,500
GST rebate $            300
YCW Student Summer Project $         5,700
BC Gaming Grant $         5,000
Total $      18,900
Administration $            150
Annual reports $              50
Communications (Shaw internet) $         1,800
Fire Protection Verification (Troy) $            450
Hallmark Awards Expense $            200
Insurance $            800
Light and heat $         3,900
Meetings $            200
Membership Paid $            250
Office $            500
Schoolhouse Maintenance & Supplies $         3,000
Security $            500
Sundry $              25
Water $            150
Website Creation – YCW Program (Wages) $         5,700
BC Student Fair 2023 – 50% of Gaming Grant $         2,500
Public Engagement and Advocacy (Gaming Funds) $         2,000
 $      22,025